Kenji Pope親身に話を聞いてくれる先生とスタッフの方々のおかげで、本当に行ってよかったです。顔のシミを取ってもらおうとしたら、実はイボだと判明し、無事に除去してもらえました。レーザーで焼いてもらい、ワセリンと...親身に話を聞いてくれる先生とスタッフの方々のおかげで、本当に行ってよかったです。顔のシミを取ってもらおうとしたら、実はイボだと判明し、無事に除去してもらえました。レーザーで焼いてもらい、ワセリンと目立たないテープを貼ってもらうと、2〜3日後にはキレイに消えて感動!見た目も変わったと感じ、しかも料金も良心的でした。肌トラブルがある方にはぜひおすすめです。将来また利用したいと思います。
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I'm really glad I went because of the teachers and staff who listened to me kindly. When I went to have the stain removed from my face, it turned out that it was actually a wart, and they removed it without incident. I had them burn it with a laser and then put Vaseline and inconspicuous tape on it, and I was impressed that it disappeared beautifully after 2-3 days! I felt that the appearance had changed, and the price was also reasonable. Highly recommended for those who have skin problems. I would like to use it again in the future. -
in chanシミホクロ施術を受けました! 麻酔の痛みはありますがそれ以外は痛みもなく、施術時間も10分そこらで終わるのでとても通いやすいです! スタッフの方も親切で綺麗な店内なのでとてもいいクリニックだと思いまし...シミホクロ施術を受けました!
(Translated by Google)
I received stain mole treatment!
There is some pain from the anesthesia, but other than that, there is no pain, and the treatment only takes about 10 minutes, so it's very easy to come!
I thought it was a very nice clinic because the staff were kind and the store was clean.
Also, I would like to request this clinic for beauty treatment! -
杉本背中のシミ取りと、顔のホクロ取りをカンナムオンニで予約しました! 受付の方も笑顔で、丁寧かつ親切に迎え入れてくださいました。 ドクター(女医さんでした)は… ・明瞭説明(経過やリスク、シミやホクロについ...背中のシミ取りと、顔のホクロ取りをカンナムオンニで予約しました!
(Translated by Google)
I made an appointment to have a stain removed from my back and a mole removed from my face at Gangnam Unnie!
The receptionist welcomed us politely and kindly with a smile.
The doctor (it was a female doctor)...
・Clear explanation (explanation of progress, risks, stains and moles, etc.)
・Accurate answers to questions
・Careful treatment
It's a really nice clinic.
I would like to ask you to continue removing moles and stains in the future 🫡 -
Matsu shu10個で30000円 (Translated by Google) 30,000 yen for 10 pieces10個で30000円
(Translated by Google)
30,000 yen for 10 pieces -
o sニキビ治療で伺いました 保険内で内服薬と外用薬を処方してもらい、日曜日もやっているので近くで良い院が見つけられて良かったです。受付の方も先生も感じが良くてオススメです。 (Translated by Google) I vis...ニキビ治療で伺いました
(Translated by Google)
I visited here for acne treatment.
I was able to get prescriptions for oral and topical medicines covered by my insurance, and they also open on Sundays, so I'm glad I was able to find a good clinic nearby. Both the receptionist and the teacher are very nice and I highly recommend it. -
I Koほくろとシミの除去を予約しました。 西新宿駅から徒歩8分くらいで到着しました。 受付でQRコードを読み取ってスマホから問診票を入力して院長さんから説明後に施術しましたが、皆さんとても優しくて丁寧な対応で...ほくろとシミの除去を予約しました。
(Translated by Google)
I made an appointment for mole and spot removal.
It took about an 8 minute walk from Nishi-Shinjuku Station.
I scanned the QR code at the reception desk, entered the medical questionnaire on my smartphone, and after receiving an explanation from the director, I underwent the treatment.Everyone was very kind and polite, and the entire process was completed in 30 minutes.
I was relieved that my payment remained at the price at the time of reservation, without any of the solicitation, pushy sales, or sloppy behavior from the staff that is common in cosmetic surgery, or any additional charges based on the size of the mole.
I would love to visit you again! -
T K先生もスタッフの方も、とても優しく丁寧に対応してくださいました。仕上がりも満足です。安心して通えるクリニックだと思いました。今回受けた施術以外にも沢山気になるものがあったので、また伺いたいと思いま...先生もスタッフの方も、とても優しく丁寧に対応してくださいました。仕上がりも満足です。安心して通えるクリニックだと思いました。今回受けた施術以外にも沢山気になるものがあったので、また伺いたいと思います。
(Translated by Google)
The teachers and staff were very kind and polite. I'm also satisfied with the finish. I felt it was a clinic I could go to with peace of mind. In addition to the treatment I received this time, there were many other things that I was curious about, so I would like to visit him again. -
YUNNA HER他のクリニックより安いという理由で伺いましたが、院内は綺麗で清潔だし、何より施術がとっても丁寧です! こまめにお声かけ頂き、隈無く進めてくださいます。 綺麗な方ばかりで美意識も上がります。 少し駅から...他のクリニックより安いという理由で伺いましたが、院内は綺麗で清潔だし、何より施術がとっても丁寧です!
(Translated by Google)
I went here because it was cheaper than other clinics, but the inside of the clinic was beautiful and clean, and above all, the treatments were very thorough!
Please keep in touch with us and we will move forward without any hesitation.
All the people here are beautiful, and your sense of beauty will improve.
It's a little far from the station, but I'll still go there! -
m mi先日ホクロ取りして頂きました、なんとなく初めて行く所の美容皮膚科って緊張するんですが受付の方の対応が笑顔で安心できましたー!!看護師さん、先生みんなとても丁寧でした−!他院でのシミ取りで色素沈着起こ...先日ホクロ取りして頂きました、なんとなく初めて行く所の美容皮膚科って緊張するんですが受付の方の対応が笑顔で安心できましたー!!看護師さん、先生みんなとても丁寧でした−!他院でのシミ取りで色素沈着起こしたのでホクロ取りの詳細を細かく聞いても嫌な顔せずに対応していただけて、安心し施術できました。最後看護師さんに、ケアの事など不安な事があったらいつでも連絡してきてくださいねー!と声をかけて頂き、最初から最後まで対応丁寧でした!
(Translated by Google)
I had a mole removed the other day, and I'm a bit nervous going to a cosmetic dermatology clinic for the first time, but the receptionist greeted me with a smile and made me feel at ease! ! The nurses and doctors were all very polite! I had pigmentation due to stain removal at another hospital, so even when I asked about the details of mole removal, the doctor did not make a disgusted face and was able to perform the treatment with peace of mind. Lastly, if you have any concerns about your care, please feel free to contact the nurse at any time! He called out to me and was very thorough from beginning to end! -
桜薬局の横にエレベーターがあります。エレベーターで2階に行くとあります。 4回来店しました。 日によって待ち時間あります。先生はデメリットを伝えてくれて良い意味であっさりしてます。 麻酔の注射は痛かった...薬局の横にエレベーターがあります。エレベーターで2階に行くとあります。
(Translated by Google)
There is an elevator next to the pharmacy. You can take the elevator to the 2nd floor.
I visited the store 4 times.
There is a waiting time depending on the day. The teacher told me the disadvantages and was easygoing in a good way.
The anesthesia injection was painful, but the laser treatment was painful.
I had both laser and incision done on my mole, and the doctors and staff were very kind! I didn't feel much pain during the procedure. The only pain I felt was when I got the injection, and nothing else.
This is the safest and most reliable place to remove moles. Although our prices have increased, removing large moles, pencil bites, and mole removal can be done in just a few seconds.
We are confident that our clinic will resolve any moles that other stores have refused to treat.
If you are worried about a mole again, please visit us. -
n k
Y.murakamiダーマペンの施術で来院しました。他院と比べてリーズナブルなのですが丁寧に施術してもらえました。 よくある必要なのか不要なのかわからないオプションをつけられて金額が盛られたりすることもありませんでした...ダーマペンの施術で来院しました。他院と比べてリーズナブルなのですが丁寧に施術してもらえました。
(Translated by Google)
I came to the hospital for dermapen treatment. The price was reasonable compared to other clinics, but the treatment was done with care.
I didn't have to pay too much for options that I didn't know whether I needed them or not, which is common.
However, the cooling pack is an additional 1000 yen, so I think it's better to have it on. I feel stinging after the treatment.
The doctor listens to the areas of my face that are bothering me and inserts the needles as deep as possible while observing the situation, so although there was a bit of downtime, I could really feel the effects.
Basically, there are many female users, so it may be a little difficult for men to visit, but I think it's worth repeating. -
飯島誠GMOとくとくBB会員限定のシミ・ほくろ除去(CO2レーザーorQスイッチルビーレーザー)顔(5mm×5mm) 1か所[麻酔込]を10箇所分して貰いました。 料金が安過ぎるので、かなり、かなり半信半疑だったので、カウンセ...GMOとくとくBB会員限定のシミ・ほくろ除去(CO2レーザーorQスイッチルビーレーザー)顔(5mm×5mm) 1か所[麻酔込]を10箇所分して貰いました。
(Translated by Google)
I had 10 spots and moles removed (CO2 laser or Q switch ruby laser) on my face (5mm x 5mm) (anesthesia included) exclusive to GMO Tokutoku BB members.
Since the price was so low, I was very, very skeptical, so I went to a consultation to confirm the details of the treatment and the price, and then went ahead and had the treatment done. There are many cases where the price is different for moles and spots, but as the product name suggests, there is no distinction, and the price for 4 moles and 6 spots was 10,000 yen (tax included). If you wish, the ointment will cost an additional 300 yen.
In June of this year, I received a treatment at a beauty clinic in Yokohama for a mole of 1 cm x 1 cm, 33,000 yen per spot, 32,000 yen for 10 small spots, and an aftercare set of 2,500 yen, for a total of 67,500 yen. Even after paying the yen, I still feel unbelievable as I write this review. Thank you so much to GMO and City Tower Shinjuku Clinic 💁🏻♂️💁🏻♂️💁🏻♂️ -
プル栃木(プル)アートメイクをしに行ってきました。 とっても満足しています! クリニックの雰囲気が良くて、先生やスタッフの方々が丁寧で親切なので、分からない事なども、聞きやすいと思います。 眉毛のアートメイクをしまし...アートメイクをしに行ってきました。
(Translated by Google)
I went to get permanent makeup done.
I'm very satisfied!
The clinic has a nice atmosphere, and the doctors and staff are polite and kind, so I think it's easy to ask questions about things you don't understand.
I did permanent makeup on my eyebrows and I like it 🎵
The person who took care of me was really kind and polite! I'm really confused about colors and shapes, but they make suggestions and listen to my wishes. It will take some time to decide, but they will work with you until you are satisfied. So I like both the shape and color.
I'm really glad I did it!
thank you very much! -
ぼんぼん少し西新宿から遠いなと思いましたが、女性院長が優しかったです。 保険適用か美容でやるか等を考えてくださったりも良心的でしたのでまた利用させていただきたいと思います。 (Translated by Google) I thought...少し西新宿から遠いなと思いましたが、女性院長が優しかったです。
(Translated by Google)
I thought it was a little far from Nishi-Shinjuku, but the female director was kind.
I would like to use her again as she was very considerate in considering whether it would be covered by insurance or for beauty treatments. -
TENSEI KONOスタッフの方が親切で先生もとても優しいです。患者さんが女性ばかりのクリニックかと思い緊張しながら受診しましたが、男の人もいて通いやすいクリニックでした。 (Translated by Google) The staff are kind a...スタッフの方が親切で先生もとても優しいです。患者さんが女性ばかりのクリニックかと思い緊張しながら受診しましたが、男の人もいて通いやすいクリニックでした。
(Translated by Google)
The staff are kind and the teachers are also very kind. I was nervous when I went to the clinic, thinking it would be a clinic with only female patients, but there were men as well, so it was a comfortable clinic. -
M Sなんと言っても院長先生が優しく素敵で安心して施術を受けることが出来ました。 スタッフの方もみんな丁寧で安心です! 定期的に自分のメンテナンスに行ける安心出来るクリニックが出来て幸せです! (Translated...なんと言っても院長先生が優しく素敵で安心して施術を受けることが出来ました。
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After all, the director was kind and nice, and I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind.
All the staff are polite and safe!
I'm happy to have a safe clinic where I can go for regular maintenance! -
(Translated by Google)
It was a very nice and clean clinic! Regarding the treatment, which is the most important aspect of the clinic's reviews, I think that the doctors and staff were kind and polite, and provided accurate treatment while speaking to me properly. It was my first visit to a cosmetic dermatologist, but I was able to receive the treatment with confidence as I was not too nervous and had almost no pain. I felt at ease because they carefully told me what to do about it. I would like to see you again to report on the progress. thank you very much! -
Rose脱毛で伺いましたが、とてもスムーズに案内から施術まで対応いただきました。おすすめです。 (Translated by Google) I came here for hair removal, and everything from the guidance to the treatment was ha...脱毛で伺いましたが、とてもスムーズに案内から施術まで対応いただきました。おすすめです。
(Translated by Google)
I came here for hair removal, and everything from the guidance to the treatment was handled very smoothly. Recommended. -
Y S受付から終了までとてもスムーズでした。 院内も新しく綺麗で、先生も看護師さんも優しく対応して下さいました。 また他の施術で伺いたいと思います。 ありがとうございました! (Translated by Google) Everyth...受付から終了までとてもスムーズでした。
(Translated by Google)
Everything went very smoothly from reception to completion.
The hospital was new and clean, and the doctors and nurses were kind and helpful.
I would like to visit you again for other treatments.
thank you very much! -
清水さやシミの相談に行きました。 新しくできたばかりのクリニックでとても綺麗で雰囲気も良く、緊張してましたが先生をはじめスタッフの皆さんがとても親切でした! すぐ施術ができ、あっという間に終わりました。 保険...シミの相談に行きました。
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I went for a consultation about stains.
It's a newly opened clinic, so it's very clean and has a nice atmosphere. I was nervous, but the doctor and all the staff were very kind!
I was able to get the treatment done right away, and it was over in no time.
I was also covered by insurance, so I was able to receive a prescription.
I would like to take care of you again!
thank you very much! !